A few things about me
“I’ve been a dog lover my whole life”
I have been a dog lover since I first set eyes on dogs, growing up with dogs and living and working with them on farms then having them as part of my life as not only pets but as my best friends.
I became a dog handler when I became the co-founder of the charity in 2014, Whiskey’s Wish Inc. a charity that trains service dogs for veterans, first responders and correctional officers who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and service-related injuries.
Through this handling and assisting my husband who is the Founder and President of the charity, I began to learn the many aspects of dog behaviour and the amazing relationship and bond that dogs have in being able to not only provide love and loyalty but also by consistency in training that these amazing creatures provided a fundamental medical aid of assistance to their owners and handlers.
As the charity expanded, my role as handler became more important but it also needed further education, knowledge and skills basis.
Mentored by my husband who is a fully certified and qualified Companion Dog Trainer and Dog behaviourist, I began my education and certification earning my Diploma in Dog Training, a certificate in Canine Fear courses and further education in service dog training.
In October 2018, I started my business A Dog’s Choice Training Services from the requests of those outside of the criteria of our charity who needed assistance with training their dogs for special needs and disabilities.
Liz Jackman & Whiskey
Young Liz Discovering Her Love for Dogs!
Adapting through COVID-19
With the pandemic of COVID-19 it became important to do further training in preparedness and understanding and maintaining the importance of training dogs for those who needed their dogs for assistance.
Certified with COVID-19 Dog Training, I also became a proud member of the Pet Professional Network, mentored by the founder in continuing my education and skills building.
I am also a Provider member for the IAADP (International Association of Assistance Dog Partners) and my skills and training never stops as I continue to learn more and more on the importance of these amazing creatures and what they bring to the lives of so many in need.
- provide assistance dog partners with a voice in the assistance dog field;
- enable those partnered with guide dogs, hearing dogs and service dogs to work together on issues of mutual concern;
- to foster the disabled person/assistance dog partnership.
Assistance Dog Training
Owner training assistance is what I provide – you become part of the training! My job is to assist you in training your dog to a high standard using the skills and standards required with specialist knowledge and training experience before their first jacket assessment to their final assessment where they graduate as full assistance dogs.
For many disabled and special needs people (children, adults), an assistance dog can make the difference of being able to live an independent and a fulfilled life. Unfortunately for many trained assistance dogs are not available due to the overwhelming need and cost versus the number of trained assistance dogs available.
Owner training with the assistance of a qualified trainer is sometimes the only option left but also because it allows them to use their own dog with who they have formed a bond with. My vision is to create a safe community for those that wish to take on the task of owner training where they have support, advocacy, knowledge sharing and help but whilst keeping costs as manageable as possible for the handler. I also assist in report writing for NDIS claims and liaise in all areas of assistance with the community, schools, and businesses.
Please note that I am a QLD Government Blue Cardholder and Disability Services Positive Exemption Yellow Cardholder.
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Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium.
Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus.